Weeding. Who knew that weeding the Preservation Park would lead to an important role with the Charlestown Preservation Society? For Bridget O’Connor, this summer activity and the opportunity to keep her neighborhood looking fresh, would lead to her new role as the head of CPS’ Beautification Committee (actual name has yet to be chosen by the committee.)
A microbiologist by day, Bridget had an interest in preserving the beauty of her Charlestown neighborhood. She maintains a plot at the Gardens for Charlestown with relatives where she grows flowers, and actively looks for opportunities to keep the neighborhood looking its best.
We recently caught up with Bridget to get her thoughts on the Committee and where it’s going:
Q. What are the goals of the Beautification Committee?
A. Overall, the mission of the group is to enhance livability in Charlestown, from both an aesthetic and historic perspective. Those activities can range from burying electrical lines under the streets to cleaning up, and yes, weeding, public spaces.
The Committee deals with four main areas:
- Public realm – the retention and enhancement of historic infrastructure, including sidewalk maintenance and lighting.
- Environment and open space
- Maintenance and clean up which includes encouraging neighbors to participate, and advocating the town’s needs to the city
- Exhibits and trails which includes enhanced signage
Q. What are some of the key projects underway?
A.With such a large purview, the focus right now is to identify key projects, prioritize them and start making progress.
Q. What types of volunteers would be ideal for your committee?
A.It’s great to have a mix of long-time residents and some of Charlestown’s newest faces who can look at the town with fresh eyes. We also encourage new residents to bring their ideas from their previous communities to help drive new ideas.
Ideally, volunteers are willing to try new and different things, and start working immediately as their schedules allow. And if you enjoy weeding, this is the place for you!
If you’re interested in participating, the group meets the second Thursday of each month in the Community Room at the Police Station on Vine Street.
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