The Charlestown Preservation Society is a 501c3 not for profit organization founded in 1967 to stop the destruction of the town’s most historic buildings. Today, our mission is to preserve Charlestown’s historic character by protecting our historic architecture and landscape, advocating for preservation, guiding responsible development and educating people about the unique character of our community.
Last year, the Charlestown Preservation Society achieved a variety of successes!
Here’s an update on our activities:
- Three projects in Charlestown have been recommended to receive a combined total of $1,095,000 in grant funding from the Community Preservation Act!
- The petition for a new Union Street Architectural Conservation District was accepted for study!
- Years of advocacy for the protection of our historic neighborhood resources is paying off—PLAN: Charlestown workshops are ongoing. Please join the BPDA’s mailing list for information on future workshops and surveys that will help us plan the future of Charlestown.
- CPS’s Historic Neighborhood House Tour was a huge success! Click here to read all about it!
Project: Grow Charlestown’s Urban Forest
A tragic loss for our historic neighborhood – 58 and 60 Russell Street
CPS Review of 46 High Street
Bunker Hill 250
EPA-funded Air Quality Study Seeks Community Input
New Landmark: Apollos Field House
BOOK TALK: Welcome to Heroic: Concrete Architecture and the New Boston
Help Us Protect Charlestown’s History
Sustain our future with preservation
“How to Research Your Historic House” workshop
Charlestown Womens Voting Records
From weeding to leading
The Walker House, 36 Belmont Street
A Virtual Book Discussion with authors Stephen Kendrick and Paul Kendrick
Dress up your desk with a fresh view of Charlestown each month in 2024
The Boston Tea Party’s 250th Anniversary and the Importance of the Charlestown Patriots
Boston Public Radio
Peace Park Progress – Piecemeal but Promising
Charlestown Industrial Architectural Conservation District
1-2 Thompson Square Update
Help Us Oppose PLAN: Charlestown!
Gala 2023
Winthrop St and O’Reilly Family
Abolitionists in Charlestown
Help Us Keep Commercial Space!
CPS Annual Meeting Presentation
CPS Annual Meeting – New Date!!
May Day House Walking Tour and Children’s Scavenger Hunt
How We Can Protect Historic Charlestown
Union Street Architectural Conservation District
Community Preservation Act Grants
CPS DPIR Comments on One Mystic
Phipps Street Burying Ground Historical Tour – Sunday!
Get Joe Bagley’s Boston Book
Historic House Marker Research Workshop
CPS 50/50 Raffle!! And the Winner is…
Design Review Committee Letter on Bunker Hill Mall Redevelopment
Preservation Planning and Tools
CPS, DRC Letters to BPDA on Bunker Hill Housing Redevelopment
Historical Significance of 8 Lawrence Street
Grasshopper Cafe Demolition
2019-20 Annual Report
Historic House Marker Program
Edwards School Update
Edwards Middle School Needs Our Help!
Learn more about PLAN: Charlestown!
CPS Annual Report 2018-2019
Memorial Hall granted $500k from Boston’s CPA Funds!
The Charlestown Preservation Society’s Resource Information System (CPS-RIS) allows you to search our database for information on historic properties and areas in Charlestown.
Users of the database should keep in mind that it does not include information on all historic properties and areas in Charlestown, nor does it reflect all the information on file on historic properties and areas. Information will be actively added as time and funds become available.
Building inventory map.
CPS maintains information and research on Historic Buildings in Charlestown. Search our map to find a building and view information that we have found.
History and Architecture of Charlestown.
Within one square mile, Charlestown buildings display perhaps the broadest range of architectural styles in Boston. This book describes architectural styles of Charlestown.
Historic Marker Inventory.
CPS installs bronze markers on structures whose history and build date have been researched and verified. Over 220 markers have been installed to date. Search our map to find the information on the markers installed.
MHC 1987 Survey of Charlestown.
In 1987 the Massachusetts Historical Commission surveyed and researched the history on over 1,000 Charlestown buildings. Thanks to Rob Dinsmore the survey has been transcribed and is easier to read!
Help us add to our database and historic archives by researching a property. It is crucial to improve the inventory and documentation of our historic streets and proper, less than 20% have any historic documentation. Why does this matter? The smartest start to building renovation work is to review the proposed changes in the context of the neighborhood and the historic importance of the property. CPS’s Design Review committee lacks immediate access to this information which affects the ability to protect the properties and manage appeals before the zoning board. When these buildings are targets for demolition the situation is even more imperiled and time-sensitive. Please help us in researching buildings in Charlestown starting with your own.
This 1.5-mile route winds through Boston’s oldest neighborhood, through charming squares and streets, past historic houses and monuments. Read about Charlestown’s history and people get a peek through photographs of interiors and architectural details.